Frequently Asked Questions

Atlas DNA Test

What can I learn from a DNA Test?

Genetic testing reveals important information about health, eating habits, optimal sports workouts and even personal traits. Couples who are planning to have children may find it particularly useful to screen for hereditary conditions. The test identifies your biological set point like how many cups of coffee you can handle, whether you are predisposed to certain food intolerances, if your muscles are more adapted to endurance or strength workouts, sensitivity to bitter flavours and much more.

For more information, check out the Atlas DNA Test page.

How does the Atlas DNA Test differ from other DNA tests?

The Atlas DNA Test will provide you with a detailed genetic profile of your health, nutrition, physical activity and geographical ancestry. It includes over 400 traits and indicators. The DNA Test can be combined with the Atlas Microbiome Test and your lifestyle data to provide you with unique insights, not available elsewhere.

How accurate is the test?

The technologies used in the Atlas DNA Test are 99.9% accurate. Atlas Biomed has ISO 13485:2016 accreditation for medical device quality management systems. Your DNA sample is analysed using DNA microarray technology from Illumina in a certified EU lab.

Can the test diagnose inherited conditions?

No, the results should only be used for informational purposes, it is not a diagnostic tool. If the test identifies any marker for a potentially pathological condition, contact your GP with your results for further information.

Is the test different for women and men?

Men and women get different information about hereditary conditions. This is because, while some characteristics are inherited regardless of sex, others are transmitted through the paternal or maternal line. In the Ancestry section, women can only access the maternal haplogroup because the paternal haplogroup is carried by the Y-chromosome, which women do not have.

All other test results are the same for men and women.

Are there any contraindications? Can I take the test if I am sick?

There are no major restrictions or conditions preventing you from taking the test.

Customers must be over 18 years old.

Do not collect your saliva right after you wake up. Wait 30 minutes after you eat, drink, chew gum, smoke or kiss before collecting your saliva.

Remember to read the instructions carefully.

Will a bone marrow transplant affect my DNA Test results?

We don’t recommend taking the Atlas DNA Test after receiving a bone marrow transplant. This test is also not suitable for identifying a bone marrow donor.

Where can I get my results?

Your DNA test results and raw DNA data will be available in your online personal account.

When will I get my results?

Your results will be uploaded to your personal account about 4–8 weeks after your sample arrives at the laboratory.

Atlas Microbiome Test

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome is a community of bacteria that live in the gut. Nowadays, we know that over 1,000 different types of microbes are active in the human intestines. Thanks to major advances in technology, it is now possible to perform accurate analyses of the microbiome using 16S rRNA sequencing to identify these bacteria based on their DNA. In fact, the genes in the human microbiome outnumber the genes in the human body 100 to 1.

Gut bacteria are part of a big group of microbes that perform important jobs for the human body like digesting food and breaking down dietary fibre, synthesising vitamins and essential chemical compounds as well as protecting the body from inflammation. Some bacteria may participate in the development of certain illnesses but, for most species, only if they are present in abnormal amounts. When the microbiome is balanced, it is able to prevent the intrusion and overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria, thus contributing to overall health.

Why should I take a microbiome test?

The Atlas Microbiome Test (Ohmygut® test) analyses the types of bacteria present and their proportion in the overall microbiome. It provides information about the various functions of your gut bacteria, like the extent to which they protect you against certain diseases and inflammation, as well as what vitamins they synthesise. You will also get recommendations to improve and maintain the balance of your microbiome by adding specific foods to your diet.

Can children take the Atlas Microbiome Test?

No. The Atlas Microbiome Test is only for use by adults over 18 years old. The microbiome of children changes and evolves during infancy, childhood, and adolescence and this isn’t accounted for in our interpretation system, which is why our test is not suitable for children.

What’s the difference between this test and laboratory analysis?

Atlas Biomed uses advanced technology to analyse the DNA of your gut bacteria. Unlike conventional laboratory analysis, the Atlas Microbiome Test not only qualitatively determines the composition of bacteria, but also calculates the proportion of different types of bacteria in the microbiome.The 16S rRNA sequencing technology that is used for the Atlas Microbiome Test is more sensitive: it can detect bacteria that cannot be cultivated in Petri dishes (the method routinely employed by laboratories for stool sample analysis).

How do we know that bacteria affects our health?

More than 20,000 scientific articles have been published about the gut microbiome and its relationship with various health conditions over the past decade. New research is released in this field every month. We used this extensive body of scientific evidence to develop the interpretation system for the Atlas Microbiome Test.

This research has established that bacteria in the microbiome are not simply ‘good’ or ‘bad’ species. Rather, how microbes participate in health or illness is dependent on their abundance in the overall ecosystem and how they relate to one another. The recommendations provided in your personal account have been developed on the basis of microbiome research by doctors and scientists.

Should I follow a special diet before taking the test?

No, you should not change your diet. Keep eating the way you normally do — this will allow us to get an accurate picture of your ‘normal’ microbiome and provide recommendations on how to improve or maintain it.

Can I do the test if I am sick or taking medication?

We recommend that you collect a stool sample in the absence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Additionally if you have been taking antibiotics, a course of NSAID’s or have undergone surgery, please wait three months before taking the Atlas Biomed Microbiome Test.

If gastrointestinal symptoms and medication are part of your every day life, you may proceed to take the test without waiting. The reason for this is because you would be providing us a sample based on your most typical microbiome.

If your symptoms and medication are only temporary and you take our Microbiome test, the results provided, as well as the food recommendations may no longer be valid once your course is completed or symptoms have cleared; this is because your microbiome can drastically change during a course of medication or bouts of illness.

Where can I get my results?

Your microbiome test results and raw data will be available in your online personal account at

When will I get my results?

Your results will be uploaded to your personal account about 4–8 weeks after your sample arrives at the laboratory.

Payment and Delivery

How do I order the test?

Go to and select the test or bundle you want. You will be directed to a secure online payment and ordering service. Fill in your payment and shipping details then follow the instructions to confirm your payment.

Your test will be delivered to your door. When you have put your sample in the kit, put everything in the biohazard bag, firmly seal the pre-addressed box and send it back to us.

What countries can I order the test in?

The Atlas tests are currently available in following countries:

Czech Republic







The Netherlands



United Kingdom

If you want to place an order for another country, send us a message at [email protected].

How do I pay for Atlas tests?

Our tests are available for purchase online using Visa or Mastercard. Go to to select the test or bundle you want and follow the instructions.

I am under 18. Can I take the test?

This test is intended solely for the use of persons aged 18 and over.

Can I order Atlas Biomed tests as a gift?

Yes, Atlas Biomed tests are unique and exciting presents. When ordering the test as a gift, you can either get it sent to yourself and deliver it in person or fill out the delivery details (name and address) to the person it is for. At this time, we do not offer gift-wrapping services.

The Science

What is a gene?

A gene is a distinct segment of DNA that encodes protein molecules. Genes are responsible for the structure of proteins in the body. A person’s genotype is composed of all the body’s genes that together contain all the information and individual characteristics of the organism.

What is DNA?

DNA, also known as DeoxyriboNucleic Acid, is contained within each of trillions cells in your body. It serves as a blueprint that determines the physical features of all living things, including you! It looks like a twisted ladder or, as scientists call it, a ‘double helix’. This genetic information was passed on from your parents, which is why it is ‘hereditary’, making you completely unique.

DNA contains information on the structure of various types of RNA and proteins. It is made up of four nucleotides, known as adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine or A, G, T, C for short. They are connected together in a specific pattern: adenine binds only to thymine and guanine only to cytosine. These nucleotides encode information about every protein in the body, thus determining the phenotype of a person (i.e., the set of observable characteristics).

What is RNA?

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is one of the three basic macromolecules that are contained in the cells of all living organisms. It is composed of a long chain, each link of which is called a nucleotide. During transcription (in the cell nucleus), nRNA chains are formed that ‘mirror’ an exact part of DNA, allowing the further synthesis of encoded proteins. This process is followed by translation that involves another two types of RNA: tRNA and rRNA. The RNA macromolecule basically serves as a messenger between the nucleus (containing the DNA) and the cell (that produces proteins).

What is a genome?

The human genome is a collection of hereditary material made up of 20,000 to 25,000 genes. It consists of mitochondrial DNA and 23 pairs of chromosomes that are found in the nucleus of cells.

What are SNPs?

SNP stands for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), a DNA sequence variation of one nucleotide (A, T, G or C) that differs in the genome of representatives of the same species or between paired chromosomes.

For example, if two DNA sequences — AAGCCTA and AAGCTTA — differ by a single nucleotide, then there are two alleles: C and T. Such point mutations are considered single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

What is a hereditary condition?

Hereditary conditions are caused by mutations or the absence (i.e., deletion) of a gene. Mutations can occur in one or two copies of genes, one of which came from the father and the other from the mother. When this happens, a hereditary condition occurs. However, just because there is a mutation, it does not mean that the person will develop the disease.

What is a common/multifactorial disease?

Multifactorial diseases are common conditions (i.e., hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes) that are caused by multiple factors, including genes and external factors, like the environment, diet and lifestyle.

Such diseases are the result of interaction between multiple genetic and external factors that lead to a family predisposition to the disease, without a clear Mendelian inheritance pattern (i.e., classical genetic).

What is a risk factor for disease?

A risk factor is a biological trait or something in a person’s environment that increases the likelihood of developing a specific disease.

As a general rule, diseases develop under the influence of a combination of risk factors, the number of which is on the rise. In the 1960s, there were about 1,000 known risk factors, compared to approximately 3,000 nowadays.

Types of risk factors:

– external (e.g., environment, economic situation, profession)

– characteristics of the human body (e.g., elevated blood cholesterol, arterial hypertension, hereditary predisposition)

– lifestyle (smoking, diet, exercise)

Disease risk is the sum of all risk factors, which is why Atlas users are invited to fill in the Health and Lifestyle Survey to get the most accurate assessment of their individual risk.

What is a haplogroup?

A haplogroup is a set of minor changes in the Y chromosome or mitochondrial DNA that have consistently appeared for many thousands of years and point to a common ancestor. The remoteness of this ancestor can be calculated by the number of new mutations.

Belonging to a haplogroup provides information about where your ancestors lived, how they moved around the planet and where your closest relatives are now.

Who developed the Atlas tests?

Our tests were developed by a team of bioinformaticians, doctors, scientists and IT experts. The Atlas Scientific Board of Advisors are international academics in the fields of medical and biological sciences.

Learn more about Atlas and our team here.
  • Atlas DNA Test
  • Atlas Microbiome Test
  • Payment and Delivery
  • The Science