Your results have been updated with new disease risks and enhanced calculations based on fresh research.
It’s that time again: log in to your personal account to see what’s new! We regularly update your Atlas Biomed results based on reliable new findings in the field of DNA, microbiome, lifestyle, and disease risks.
While everybody was on holiday this summer, our DNA team was hard at work reviewing new research in the field of disease risk analysis, and they deemed several findings worthy of inclusion in our algorithm.
But that’s not all, the team has also decided that we now have enough evidence to include 1 new personal trait: predisposition to grass allergies! We’ve also added 2 new disease risks to your results, and we’ve included new recommendations for users with low disease risks.
In addition to that, we’ve refined our selection of gene variants to only include those that are considered highly significant in disease risk calculation, so your results will benefit from enhanced precision in our interpretation algorithm.
As you already know, we prioritise ease of navigation in the personal account because we want to provide you with complex and relevant health information in a clear format that you can understand. That's why you'll see some design upgrades too.
What’s new?
Scroll down to discover the exact details of what we’ve added, recalibrated, and changed in your personal account with this update.
Disease risk calculations
Since our last update, new research on how genes influence disease has been published. We’ve carefully selected the most robust and up-to-date articles and integrated the data into our algorithms. We’ve reassessed the risks of the following diseases:
- Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Atopic dermatitis
- Atrial fibrillation
- Bronchial asthma
- Coronary heart disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Gallstones
- Hypothyroidism
- Obesity
- Osteoporosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
We’ve also updated the list of Scientific Publications in each report with links to these studies if you wish to consult them.
Gene variant selection
There are two levels of significance for genetic variants: high and suggestive. We used to use both, but from now on, we will only be using highly significant variants.
To incorporate these changes, check out the list below. We’ve included links that will bring you directly to each report.
This recalibration enhances the precision of our algorithm, ensuring you get the most relevant results and recommendations.
Health questionnaire
The comprehensive survey you completed about your medical history and lifestyle weighs on your disease risk calculations.
From now on, we will take into account the amount of fish you eat to estimate the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), and the amount of water you drink to estimate the risk of urolithiasis. For men, we will also use BMI to estimate the risk of gout.
These data are taken from the questionnaire and increase the precision of our calculations. If you haven’t updated your questionnaire recently, please fill it in again to get the most accurate results.
Two new disease risks
Risk scores for two new diseases are now displayed in your personal account. Click on the links below if you haven’t seen them yet.
Significant risk factors for PAD include smoking and medical history of diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. For VV, it’s smoking, pregnancy, and family history of the disease.
New personal trait
Your personal profile will now indicate whether you are predisposed to grass allergy. This type of allergy can be triggered by the pollen of some seasonal plants, such as rye, wheat, or wormwood.
Common symptoms include runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing, but in some cases, it may even trigger asthma attacks.
New recommendations
Every DNA test user receives 3-5 recommendations based on their questionnaire answers. Now, even if a user has low disease disease risks, but reports any negative lifestyle factors (like smoking), they will get a recommendation highlighting that lifestyle factor and encouraging them to make a change.
☝️DISCLAIMER☝️The results of Atlas Biomed tests are for informational purposes only. Always consult a doctor before making changes to your lifestyle.